Elevation Running: Mexico City
Marina Holter Marina Holter

Elevation Running: Mexico City

Destination racing is an exciting opportunity to experience a new environment and running culture while collecting a new medal. However, it is essential to understand travel's impact on your race day, especially when it involves running at a different elevation.

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Refining Your “Why”
Marina Holter Marina Holter

Refining Your “Why”

Training is hard.

Regardless of the end goal, avoiding the struggle of fatigue catches up. In these moments, it is vital to take a step back and remind yourself why you are in this position in the first place.

Here are some questions to spark inner dialogue and refine your why.

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Fatigue - a marathon theme.
Marina Holter Marina Holter

Fatigue - a marathon theme.


This word is terrifying, humbling, restricting, and concerning, yet aptly describing marathon training.

Every time I set out to marathon train, I resonate with this word. This word becomes my friend, my pursuit, and the biggest damn annoyance.

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Breaking down pace
Marina Holter Marina Holter

Breaking down pace

Pacing is a common struggle among runners. In many of our minds, our pace is synonymous with our value as runners. We misconstrue years of work, innate talent, discipline, new beginnings, and progress as variables attached to mile splits. Let me remind you here, your value as a runner is not equated with your pace per mile.

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Carbo-loads & pasta bread bowls
Marina Holter Marina Holter

Carbo-loads & pasta bread bowls

Carbohydrates are gold to the runner, providing the energy needed to power through miles. When carbohydrates are digested, they are broken down into glucose molecules, released into the bloodstream, and used by muscles as fuel.

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Taper time to-do’s
Marina Holter Marina Holter

Taper time to-do’s

To those of you who are running the Chicago 13.1 - it’s taper week!

Tapering is a technique used to reduce the volume of training in the weeks leading up to the race to allow the body to fully recover from the hard training of the cycle and prepare for peak performance on race day.

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Heating up! Tips for Summer running
running, summer, coaching Marina Holter running, summer, coaching Marina Holter

Heating up! Tips for Summer running

As the weather turns and Chicago has enjoyed its brief springtime, welcome to summer running. The temperature rises, and so does the difficulty of running. Heat can be a challenging obstacle for many runners, but with the proper preparation and knowledge, running in the heat can benefit your running longevity.

While heading out there, here are a few tips to support you through the warmer miles.

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Running Efficiency
Marina Holter Marina Holter

Running Efficiency

Running is a repetitive sport. Regardless of the pace, terrain, incline, or weather variation, it’s constantly in forward motion. How do we increase awareness of our efficiency as runners, improving our running economy?

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Building the Base
Marina Holter Marina Holter

Building the Base

I write Block 1 - Building the Base in every training plan as the first spreadsheet sent out. While specifics differ from athlete to athlete, the intention remains to start building from the base up.

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A run about Paris
Marina Holter Marina Holter

A run about Paris

I went to Paris for the first time a year ago. From that point forward, I was hooked. Between the food, green spaces, architecture, culture, and sites - it’s a runner’s paradise.

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My Personal Training Philosophy
Marina Holter Marina Holter

My Personal Training Philosophy

This week I begin classes for getting my RRCA (Road Runners Club of America) Run Coach Certification Level II. To start the conference, we were given this prompt.

As a coach, I find it only fair to share with you. I look forward to developing my philosophy more, but these are the pillars I coach by now.

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Big deals that deserve demystification
Marina Holter Marina Holter

Big deals that deserve demystification

While in Paris, I visited a friend who had been living there for several months. When I asked how she felt about her choice to be in the city she longed for, she simply said, “it’s not that big of a deal.”

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Helicopter up to the mountaintop
Marina Holter Marina Holter

Helicopter up to the mountaintop

Time, what a funny thing. We can be so greedy yet so foolish with it. Time is not something you can hold onto. It is free, yet, you must be aware of its presence and power.

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I seek to accept pain
Marina Holter Marina Holter

I seek to accept pain

Pain is a certainty of life; to suffer is not. Runners are often instructed to dig deep and enter the pain cave. So why do we never talk about what to do when you are there? Or what is the pain?

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Beginning the race season
Marina Holter Marina Holter

Beginning the race season

That’s the whole point of coaching, to not go into it alone and to have a plan that honors precisely where you are when you start

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Discernment v. Discomfort
Marina Holter Marina Holter

Discernment v. Discomfort

Discomfort can also be disguised as discernment, leading the strong-willed individual out of alignment with the core self.

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