& the rest

For the first time, someone asked me about my logo today. While the shock and excitement of explaining the intention lit up my face, I began to explain. As someone who only writes in cursive or all caps, I’m fascinated with ampersands. They look so lovely doting along the page, breaking up sentences & expanding upon ideas. 

The & symbol represents harmony, balance, and connection. Its power provides unity and strength in sentences and art. From & flows expansion and possibility. With &, there is more to be expressed, communicated, and explored. 

Marina & the rest comes from a phrase said to me while running. During hot Saturday long runs along the lakefront, I often met with a pack of friends to pace and find our stride together. I was the sole female in this group and often found myself pacing the pack for tempo efforts. During our final long run leading up to Chicago Marathon, I was feeling especially good, and I picked up the pace and led the way back to the starting point. We then passed by a friend who said hello and addressed the group as “Marina & the rest.” 

I let this phrase linger in my head. The words increased to grow on me. I loved the ability to have “and” in the name, along with the rest - which can express many meanings. The rest is the remainder, what remains when the others or things are gone. It is rest, a pause, and freedom from work and labor. 

The logo comes from both ideas, symbolizing connection, continuation, and comfort. 

There is peace in rest and acknowledging what remains when all that is left is the rest.

Shout out to Nick O’Reilly for making this doodle come to life <3


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