Big deals that deserve demystification

Experiences have a way of maximizing in our minds. 

With one swift train of thought, a simple task becomes a daunting feat. In the face of small choice indecisiveness, the large plans are blown out in the same proportion. To doubt, question, and justify all that we do becomes a learned trait as we see the ease with which our world gravitates toward comfort. What could be seen in vibrant contrasting tones seems like various shades of gray. The signs of growth and stagnation become muddled, settling for the well-worn path of comfort and complacency.

We have mystified the process, saying that alignment is only for the spiritual, the elder, and the experienced. I’m coming to terms with my failing belief in that as I provoke myself to pursue childlike wonder and curiosity, having an absorbent mind to the situations I encounter. Shunryū Suzuki says, “in the child’s mind, there are many options, in the expert’s mind, there are few.” 

I don’t know about you, but I want expanse in my heart of hearts, despite how many times I avoid it. To grow is an active choice to lean into and to be aware of the implications. 

While in Paris, I visited a friend who had been living there for several months. When I asked how she felt about her choice to be in the city she longed for, she simply said, “it’s not that big of a deal.” This is coming from someone who, since I have known her, I have known of her desire and pursuit to live in Paris, yet as she was there living in and making active choices towards her dream, was regarding it as not a big deal. 

In truth, we make life-changing choices every day when we are open to them. There is no small thing, and there is no big thing - it is all choices. While momentum and intention can alter, it is about our mindset going into it all. Do you rise to the challenge or scramble at your indecisive nature? 

We turn so many choices into big deals that deserve demystification, yet not taken off their grandeur placement. Moving, running a marathon, changing careers, all of these choices are monuments - yet it is another choice in the day. When you are present, you are in your choices, not dependent on the comfort you hold. 


My Personal Training Philosophy


Helicopter up to the mountaintop