My Personal Training Philosophy

This week I begin classes for getting my RRCA (Road Runners Club of America) Run Coach Certification Level II. To start the conference, we were given this prompt.

As a coach, I find it only fair to share with you. I look forward to developing my philosophy more, but these are the pillars I coach by now.

Your personal coaching philosophy in approximately 200-300 words:

Running is so much more than logging miles and races. It’s about finding a deeper connection to self through movement. My coaching approaches the sport as a way of connecting mindfulness and movement, which transcends running and beyond. I seek to help individuals feel rooted in their accomplishments, goals, and potential as they find their path to wellness. 

My coaching philosophy has three pillars; individualized training, dynamic goal setting, and mindfulness. These three traits seek to help athletes achieve their greatest potential. Individualized training is constructing a plan intended for the specific athlete that develops with their achievements through timed checkpoints. Dynamic goal setting allows athletes to reach their greatest potential while staying rooted in their ability. By emphasizing mindfulness through training, we establish what a running lifestyle can look like and how they adapt to it after their specific training cycle. 

The style of my coaching is specific, intentional, and empowering. The initial consultation establishes a foundation by identifying motives, desires, and hopes. Through the practice, there will be opportunities to set an intention for everything done, moving from a space of knowing the objective at hand. My greatest desire as a coach is to allow my athletes to feel proud of their accomplishments and help them be their best asset in wellness.

I am deeply invested in helping create space for individuals to feel truly themself in their practice, body, and spaces.


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