Routine in writing

Those who know me know I am a creature of routine and habit. When balancing a busy day, I’ve learned that the best way to set myself up for success is to be grounded in my practice. This pattern hasn’t always come easy to me, as routine is a place I gravitate towards in health and development. 

This year, I was met with the harsh reality that I couldn’t continue in my daily life as I had been. It shook me, leaving me confused about where to go next. I had a plan in my mind for how the next few years were to play out, and instead of them continuing as such, I now had to pivot & reconnect with purpose. 

When I was first recommended the Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, I was intimidated. This book asks that each day, you wake up and write three pages. Writing is used as a discipline to align yourself to engage with your higher creativity. The book asks you to work towards recovering what has been lost in the monotonous nature of life. 

Writing became a place in my life for me to pause. There is no way to write out three pages quickly. It becomes a discipline and a choice. It becomes a reason to wake up early, to sit in my thoughts and see what comes to mind. Sometimes it takes me 30 minutes. Other times it can take 2 hours. 

Through this discipline, I have learned to engage with my inner dialogue and to give credit to my thoughts. While all are not gems, all benefit me, even if it removes them from my stream of consciousness. As I have written, I have learned how to affirm myself & connect with my core values. It’s allowed me to feel more confident in my words and know their profound effect. 

I firmly know that these words would not be here without this discipline. Writing has cultivated a rich sense of self and given me the creative title. On days when I haven’t been able to prioritize that connection, I notice a difference. As I go through the day, I feel groggy and detached from my core. I chose my word priority strategically because each day, as we spend our time, we choose our priorities. 

You are worthy of living a life rich in personal connection, which flows an incredible abundance for the world around you. If you are curious about writing, start with a sentence or two; maybe you’ll notice you have a page sooner than you realize. Be aware of how this engagement shifts your perception.


Escaping days


Bodily Seasonality