Escaping days

I’m not alone in wondering how the last few weeks have escaped me. It left me feeling a type of tiredness that was new to me, and I felt it deep in my chest. With my mind sharp and my body ready, there was something still profound to my core calling out for rest. My spirit got to a place of fatigue where I had to reach for my comfort items—beginning most mornings with silence & journaling, regarding my movement as sacred, and ending most evenings with indulgent hot cocoa. To me, this was peace, and it caused me to question why we strive so hard. At the end of the day, who is it for? 

I’ve gotten into a relationship with stress where I tangibly acknowledge its near presence & I’ve started to laugh at it. I’m being honest. I’ve come to the point of tension where I have to laugh at myself and the moment that tipped me over the edge. During a bout of stressed laughter, I concluded that my stress does not serve me. It does not propel me into productivity, but it just taunts me and hurls its vicious snowballs of “all” that must be accomplished to perfection, mind you. When we feel the cruel nature of stress, we get to choose if we play its game. Do we let its insults accrue? Or do we take a deep breath *might I suggest a few rounds of box breathing* and approach the catalyst of stress with compassion towards our capabilities and limitations? Half of knowing your strength is also knowing your weakness. 

So, if you’re feeling stressed, do me a favor, take a deep breath, and laugh. If a laugh feels too much, reach for your comfort items and try a smile. I promise it’ll help. 

If you want to chat about your stress or goals or how to identify your comfort items, I’m here for you.


Discernment v. Discomfort


Routine in writing