Marina Holter | Chicago Running Coach | Marina & the rest

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Opportunistic To-Do List

Chalk it up to me being a Virgo or my type-a tendencies, but I thrive making lists. 

If there is something that I need to do, and it happens not to be written (preferably by hand), likely, I will not complete it. 

I’m often overambitious and unrealistic with the time of the day and what I can feasibly do. I’m constantly overextending and overcommitting, wanting to be known for my ability to do it all. With all this erroneous gauging of time & tasks, I’ve grown to dread my to-do list because there is everything on there: 

  • Make the bed

  • Follow-up w/ reservation emails

  • Research capsaicin without spice

  • Lowerbody mobility 

  • Section 3 

  • Ch 7

  • Ch 8 

  • To-do list blog post 

  • Text therapist 

  • 3-mile run

  • Imperfect Foods Order 

  • Microphone 

I don’t know if that list will make sense to anyone else but me, but that’s my list. 

As I was folding my laundry a couple of weeks ago, I was thinking about my list, letting all the tasks shuffle around my brain. I was fixating on the reality that studying was one of the tasks I deemed most unpleasant when I’m studying something I deeply care about & am pursuing with intrinsic value. What if I started looking at my list as several opportunities in the day where I had the potential to expand my knowledge and understanding of the world around me? 

What if I looked at my to-do list as tasks to accomplish and opportunities to grow and develop? 

This simple shift, while all mental, gave me immense freedom to look at my crafted list and not feel intimidated by it but to engage with it in excitement - knowing that these items were achievable and all for my betterment.